Monthly Retrospective - October 2023

By Max Sherman ยท November 6, 2023

I'm refocusing on MinutesGenerator


  • Worked 111.75 hours (+35% M/M)
  • Of that work, 47.25 hours was done while streaming live on Twitch
  • 42% of work was done live on Twitch
  • Revenue $3.23 (from Twitch)
  • 195 Twitter followers (+8% M/M)
  • 102 Twitch followers (+4% M/M)

October Goals

Publish 100 TikToks

Grade: F

I published about a dozen tiktoks with no viral successes.

Get 1000+ views on at least one TikTok

Grade: F

All tiktok's published never made it out of 200 view jail.

Create QOTD and share it every day on Twitter thereafter

Grade: F

I didn't do this because this wasn't my focus after discovering that MinutesGenerator was getting users via Google search.

Get approved for Adsense on

Grade: F

This didn't happen.

Average 20 hours of work per week

Grade: A

I worked 25.23 hours per week on average.

Things I am Thinking About

Pivoting back to MinutesGenerator

I discovered midway through the month that my first business MinutesGenerator has been steadily seeing signups via organic Google search traffic.

This flew in the face of an insecurity I had about the business, which was that people wouldn't want to use or pay for a service that I perceived to be less valuable then the well-resourced, older, more feature-rich competitors in the space like Otter AI and others.

I decided to try an invest more time into making MinutesGenerator work with a focus on generating leads. I decided my ICP was VA's and EA's, who as part of their job responsibilities have to take meeting minutes.

I found some EA and VA Facebook groups and was able to find that this demographic does seem interested in a tool like this, and got some feedback on the price being too high, and the time to transcript being too long.

I took another look at the product and decided to do a major quality push to try and tighten up everything and make the product super reliable and fast. For example, sometimes generating a transcript would take over an hour, my goal is to make this take under 10 minutes and ideally be fast as possible. Realtime is best.

I also changed the pricing model to be subscription based. Two tiers, a $5/mo and $10/mo option with 5 hours of transcription for the lower tier, and 20 hours per month for the higher tier.

I'm going to rent a GPU server to eliminate cold start time from Replicate instances, and try to sell enough subscriptions to cover the cost. For example, an A100 from vultr is $800/month, so that would require about 80 sales.

I want to start creating VA specific content to try and build an audience, I think I'm going to try and create a podcast to interview VA's and see if I can learn about their workflow.

Goals for November

  • Record a long form podcast episode with a virtual assistant
  • Time to Transcript for MinutesGenerator should be under 10 minutes per hour of recording
  • Make one sale
  • Average 20 hours of work per week